The National Mall



Stepping up from the Smithonian Metro Rail Station and looking right


The Smithonian Castle


At the Hirschhorn Museum of modern art there was a lovely set of large bronzes representing the Chinese zodiak signs


At the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial in front of the Capitol Bldg.
Once the house of the people, but now only accessible via countless security measures and mainly reserved for the privileged class - politicians


Moving back toward the Smithonian (West from the Capitol)


The Eastern Entrance of the National Gallery of Art


The sculpture garden fountain



The National Archives


A fascinating stainless steel tree


The Washington Memorial, still closed following the earthquake damage



The new World War 2 Memorial





I used to love the view across the Reflecting Pool from the Lincoln Memorial, but the pool is undergoing major restoration and won't be filled with water for some time to come.


A house with a view. This is the view from the White House toward the Washington and Jefferson Memorials

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